RealApplets |
Thank you for downloading RealInvaders!
I hope you enjoy as much using it as I enjoyed making it. If this file
does not give an answer then I am always available for you at
Using RealInvaders To install RI (RealInvaders) onto your website simply unzip all file in to the same directory your HTML page is in. Then copy/paste the following code between the <body></body>tags : <applet code="invaders.class"
archive="RealInvaders.jar" width="550" height="335">
You need all GIF, JAR and AU files in that directory. Make sure that you upload these files in Binary or Auto mode if you can choose. Registration The Unregistered version shows
unregistered notes and a link to RealApplets.
If you would like to register, please go to the RealApplets - Register Applets section. When registered you will automatically receive updates, and will have the right to change all images and sounds in the game. The registered version uses easy to set up parameters to show your name and link in the game. Legal Note You are free to use and redistribute
the Unregistered version on your website. It is not allowed to :
Written By Bavo Bruylandt.